The Bell from the Wadsworth Institute |
Council President Jerry Newcomer and Historian Dr. Denton Croyle |
School Supt. Dale Fortner, Board Pres. Jim McIlvaine, AMBS representative Mark Weidner, Dr. Croyle |
Another view |
Before church |
Alan Miller and Imogene Althaus |
Beautiful Altar Display sent by Fay Porter. Thank you! |
Choir director Lowell Nofziger and Organist Susan D'Amico review the music |
View from the choir loft |
President Jerry welcomes the guests |
Wadsworth Mayor Caesar Carrino proclaims "First Mennonite Day" |
Mr. Fortner presents the bell |
The children's sermon |
Former Pastor Don Steelberg "preaches to the choir" |
Another view of the congregation |
Former Pastor William Keeney and wife Willadeane |